Lactose-free soft

goat's cheese

This matured cheese is part of our lactose-free range of cheeses. Their main characteristic is that they retain all the flavour of a traditional cheese but can be enjoyed by people who are lactose intolerant.

Queso tierno sin lactosa de cabra, de nuestra gama de quesos para personas intolerantes.

Lactose-free matured formats

WEIGHT3 kg450 gr280 gr
PRESERVATION4-8 ºC4-8 ºC4-8 ºC
BEST BEFORE180 days180 days70 days
In honour of Elche’s more than 2000 year history, our main brand was born: “CAPRILLICE”. It is the result of the fusion of two concepts, each with its own meaning: CAPRINO, from the Latin and referring to goat farming, and ILLICE, which corresponds to the name by which the city of Elche was known about 2000 years ago, at the time of Emperor Julius Caesar Augustus.


3 kg | Code: 2014


450 gr | Code: 2011


280 gr | Code: 2042

Línea azul Lácteos Segarra.

Recetas con

Tierno sin lactosa



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